In A Nutshell

The Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary is dedicated to the plants of the Western Ghats, a mountain range running down the western coastline of peninsular India. Founded in 1981 by Wolfgang Theuerkauf, the Sanctuary is a garden of wild plant species grown at the edge of a rainforest reserve. Our intention is to rehabilitate endangered species and restore habitats in a highly fragmented landscape, in which only a fraction of original forest remains and a high percentage of species are rare, vulnerable or threatened by imminent extinction.

The Sanctuary is run by a small group of resident gardeners, naturalists and educators, and supported by a wide circle of well-wishers. Together we offer an approach that is connected to the climate, land, habitats, climate, plants, animals and people of the Western Ghats.

The work at the Sanctuary includes:

People at the Sanctuary:

Founder and late Chief:  Wolfgang Theuerkauf (originally from Berlin, Indian citizen since 1981)

Plant Conservation:

Laly Joseph (Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Balsaminaceae, Gesneriaceae), Suma Keloth (Orchidaceae, Araceae, Zingiberaceae, carnivorous and ornamental plants) and Purvi Jain (Fabaceae, Poaceae, Gentianaceae, Asteraceae, Acanthaceae).

Restoration, Education and Outreach:  Suprabha Seshan

Community Base:

Leelamma (chef, kitchen garden and farm); Janu and Sugadha (kitchen support) ; Shailesh Nambiar (dairy and supplies).


Sanctuary migrants:

Abhishek Jain, Anna Theuerkauf, Diba Siddiqi, Sandilya Theuerkauf, Sruti Yusufi, Graham Doctor, Stefi Barna, Lorenzo Castellari, N. Venu.

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